(503) 363-0031 | 876 Welcome Way S. E., Salem, Oregon 97302 | Request an Appointment >

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you accepting new patients?

 Yes! We would love to schedule an appointment with you.

Do you accept my insurance?

As a courtesy to our patients, we are able to bill most insurance companies. We can also check with your dental insurance to help you better understand your benefits.

What can I expect at my first visit to your office for a new patient exam?

At your first visit we will meet with you to discuss your concerns. Usually updated x-rays, photographs and a complete examination will be done by our doctors and a cleaning will be scheduled once we determine through a periodontal exam what type of cleaning would be most beneficial.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is also sometimes called periodontal disease. There can be several causes of gum disease, but usually is caused by plaque and tartar buildup below the gums as well as bacteria. Other causes of periodontal disease include tobacco use, diabetes, teeth grinding, and genetics. Gingivitis is the beginning stage of gum disease, but it can become worse over time if left untreated and can lead to tooth loss. Some signs of gum disease are bleeding, red and irritated gums, loose teeth, abscessed teeth, gum recession and bad breath.

Do you offer payment plans?

We provide budget-friendly options so you can complete your treatment plan at your own pace. We accept Visa, MasterCard, and CareCredit. You may apply for CareCredit either in our office or online at CareCredit.com. We are able to bill your dental insurance directly for you services.


Do I have to have x-rays taken? 

X-rays help our team diagnose necessary treatment as well as any potential problems. We might be able to transfer your recent x-rays from your previous dental office to our office. Keep in mind that sometimes transferred x-rays lose their quality so we might have to take some new x-rays to make sure we are seeing every detail. This is so we can provide you with the best care possible.

At what age should I start taking my child to see the dentist?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children first see a dentist shortly after their first teeth erupt, or before age one if teeth are still absent.  During this time, your child’s baby teeth will be coming in and we can examine the health of your child’s first few teeth. We encourage parents to bring their children into the office as young as possible so  they can familiarize themselves with the environment. Depending on the age of the child we may do a visual lap dental exam to check teeth as they are erupting. As the child gets older and all of the primary (baby) teeth have erupted, we do a complete exam of his or her teeth, jaw, bite, gums and oral tissue along with a gentle cleaning, fluoride and x-rays. After the first visit, be sure and schedule regular checkups every six months.